Rummage and Bake Sale
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 401 Spruce Street, Albert City Friday, May 3rd 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Saturday, May 4th 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Treasures and goodies for everyone!…
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 401 Spruce Street, Albert City Friday, May 3rd 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Saturday, May 4th 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Treasures and goodies for everyone!…
Please join us as Our Savior’s celebrates its 145th Birthday on Sunday, April 22. Special Swedish Treats will be served in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 9:30 a.m. with a…
Sunday, February 18th, from 5:30 – 7:30 at Our Saviors Lutheran Church. We will begin with a meal, followed by bingo, bag toss, ping pong, etc. and activities for the…
You are invited to help Jack Green celebrate turning 80. Please join us Saturday February 24th for a Come and Go Open House at 2:00 – 3:30pm at Pleasant View…
The beautiful banner was given to Our Savior’s by the Fondroy family. Thank you Susan, Amy, Paul and families.
December 10th at 10:30 am during church. The St. Lucia presentation by the LYO will follow the program. Refreshments will then be served in the Fellowship Hall, hosted by the…
will begin in January. Do you know anyone who is ready to be in confirmation class? Most youth will be in 6th or 7th grades. Due to some interest in…
The first Sunday after Christmas is a fifth Sunday in December. It is scheduled to be held at Grace, Marathon at 9:00am. Brunch will be provided after the service. Please…
Beginning Monday, September 11, 2017 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm, the Fratzke and Jensen, Sliefert and Mahaney Funeral Homes and Unity Point Hospice will be sponsoring a seven-week grief support…
Beginning on Sunday, September 10th at 9:00 am. The class will be led by Nola Josephson and Keith Moe. All are welcome.
The first Sunday of Sunday School will be September 10th. All children ages 3 through 6th grade are welcome. We are looking for a great year filled with activities as…
Enclosed in this Messenger is an envelope marked “Mission Offering”. Please prayerfully return it to support our Synod, Lutheran Lakeside Camp, Lutheran Social Services, and Ingham Okoboji Camp.
July 24 – 27 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church from 9:00 – 2:00. Registration forms may be returne to Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Evangelical Covenant Church or the Library. All…
Deacons- Brian Josephson and Gaylene Nixon Ushers – Jerry Nixon and Randy Bobolz
Due to the extreme cold temperatures there will be no Church Service or Sunday School at Our Saviors on Sunday, December 18th.
You are invited to become a part of Our Savior’s Prayer chain. Members are simply asked to spend time in prayer when there is a requiest. The prayer chain list…
This year’s Sunday school Christmas program, “The Customs of Christmas” will be held during the worship service on Sunday, December 11th. The St. Lucia presentation by the LYO will follow…
Sunday, November 13 will be the chili, oyster stew and chicken noodle dinner served fro 5:00 – 7:00 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. We will also have a mini violin/piano…
The Albert City Firemen’s omelet breakfast is planned for November 6th from 8:00 – 1:00 at the Albert City Fire Station. They hope to see you there to support them.
There will be a special envelope included with this Messenger. These offering envelopes may be placed in the offering plates on the Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, November 23.
Exists to take hot meals to those who are ill or returning from a hospital stay, home with a new baby or other needs. Committee members team up to take…
There are currently about five “Ride Assistance Volunteers”. If you would like to help with giving rides and have not already let the church know, we will add your name…
Thanks to all who generously served coffee and snacks before and after 10:30 Sunday services. Our NEW sign-up sheet is up on the bulletin board. Any questions, call Colleen at…
For Pastor Charles Gilbert in Arnolds Park at Calvary United Methodist Church from 2 -4 pm on Sunday, October 23rd in recognition of his 50 years ordination in the United…
Workshop will be on Wednesday, September 14 at 1:00 pm. Come and join us!
Abigail, Joanna, Mary and Ruth Bible groups will not have meetinings in August.
Kyle Swenson and John Lange – Deacons Dave Aronson and Bob Skog – ushers
There is going to be a “Bring Your Pie to Church” contest at the Threshermen show this year. They are asking people to bring their pies to the lunch stand…
Bible school will be held at Covenant Church on July 25th – 28th. There are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board for food items and food serving volunteers needed for…
The July Messenger includes a mission envelope. We support our synod, Lutheran Lakeside Camp, Ingham Okoboji Camp, Damascus Road and Lutheran Social Services. Please prayerfully consider giving to these missions.…
A community come and go bridal shower honoring Krista Peterson, bide-elect of Matt Dokken, will be held on Saturday, July 9, from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. at Our Savior’s Lutheran…
We would like to thank everyone for their parayers, visits, food and other acts of kindness shown at the passing of our mother. A special thanks to Pastor Mayer and…
Deacons: Brad Heuton and Gaylene Nixon Ushers: Jerry Nixon and Tom Wessman Lectors: 3rd -Carol Janes, 10th – Margo Forbes, 17th – Diann Peterson, 24th – Carol Janes Lectors: 3rd -Rob and…
Greeter – Ruth Rebhuhn Altar Guild – Mike and Deb Rebhuhn Lectors: 3rd -Deb Rebhuhn, 10th – Scott Darrow, 17th – Lori Darrow, 24th – Mike Rebhuhn
Greeters: Dayton and Luella Kraai Altar Guild: Ruth Rebhuhn and Mike Rebhuhn Lectors: 5th-Lori Darrow, 12th – Deb Rebhuhn, 19th- Scott Darrow, 26th – Mike Rebhuhn
Kyle and Glen Swenson for working the church ground and planting corn. Also, thank you to Scott Herrig for spraying the dandelions at the church.
Deacons: Dan Josephson and Brian Josephson Ushers: Arnie Dahlstrom and Jerry Nixon Lectors: 5th-Carol Janes, 12th – Carol Janes, 19th- Community service in park, 26th – Sam Aronson Greeters: 5th-Virg and…
Make plans to atten Our Savior’s Women of the ELCA’s salad luncheon at noon on Saturday, Juen 4, 2016. Come a bit early to enjoy the beauty of all the…
Katie Struss and Colleen Struss Ushers – Lloyd Jafvert and Keith Moe Lectors – 1st – kevin Schoepke, 8th – Bailey Heuton, 15th Randy Bobolz, 33nd – Morgan Heuton, 29th…
Please call Arlene Wessman at 843-5607 for the Prayer Chanin. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member.
March Greeters are Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring. Altar Guild: Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring. Lector: Rae Jean Nuehring Gather Bible Group on March 10, at 1:30 at the Pleasant…
Grace Church Council will meet, Wednesday, March 9th at 7:00pm. Ushers for March are Loren Anderson and Dave Anderson.
There will be NO UIF Seniors Day Out potluck in March UIF Council meeting will be April 12 @ 7:00 PM at St John. Our Savior’s and Grace congregations have…
Please call Arlene Wessman at 843-5607 for the Prayer chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member. Our Savior’s Annual Meeting is…
Helping Hands Special Offering. Our Savior’s and Grace congregations have a special offering every 3rd Sunday for Helping Hands. St. John has an ongoing food drive for Helping Hands.
February Greeters: Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring Altar Guild: Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring Lectors: Rae Jean Nuehring
Abigail Group: Thursday, May 21st – hostess, Vivian Wilbur and Bible Study, Lucille Skog. 9:00 AM Joanna Group: Wednesday, May 20th – hostess, Donna Lindgren and Bible Study, Twila Lange.…
Call Arlene Wessman at 843-5607 for Prayer Requests for the Prayer Chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member. WELCA will have…
Baccalaureate Service at Sioux Central will be on Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00 pm. Our Savior’s and St. John are this year’s designated churches responsible for refreshments following the service.…
Church Council will meet Thursday, may 6th at 7:00 pm May Birthdays: 2 – Arlene Franksain, 9 – Phyllis Braesch, 31 – Donna Johnston May Anniversaries: 1 – Terry and…
The last day of Sunday School at Our Savior’s in Albert City will be May 10th. What a great year we had! Hope to see all the children back in…
Rachel James and Bailey Heuton will be Confirmed on Sunday May 31 at 10:30 Service at Our Savior’s in Albert City.
May Greeters: Dayton and Luella Kraai Altar Guild: Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring May Lectors: 3 – Lori Darrow, 10 – Scott Darrow, 17 – Deb Rebhuhn, 24 – Mike…
Please call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 with your prayer requests for the Prayer chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member. Service…
October Birthdays: 4th – Deb Clausen 7th – Kara Clausen 9th – Barb Wiggins and Jack Darrow 13th – Margit Behrens 21st – Roger Waggie 30th Marvin Melohn October Ushers…
October Birthdays: 1st – Maren Peck 20th – JoAnn Gunnarson 24th – Lois Lind Ushers and Greeter for October: Brian Fredricks and Ben Peck
Seniors Day Out Potluck will be held Monday, October 20th at 12:00 noon at Our Savior’s. UIF Council will meet Tuesday, October 14th at 7:00 pm at Grace in Marathon.
Prayer Concerns: Scott Kraai, Helen Larson, Paul Wilkens, Lynne Romo, Kathy Reynolds, Carolyn Larson, Craig Herrig, and Angie Hansen.
No WELCA meeting until September. Council meeting – Wednesday, July 16th at 7:00pm. Service Workshop goup will be meeting Wednesday, July 9th at 1:00 PM. All are welcome. We will…
Abigale, Joanna and Mary Bible Groups – no July meetings. Ruth – Thursday, July 17 at 7:00 pm. Hostess: LaVonne Rebhuhn, Bible Study: Trish Moe.
July Worship time is Sunday at 9:00 AM except for the 6th which will be a joint service at Our Savior’s. Church council meeting is Wednesday, July 9th at 7:00PM.…
UIF Seniors Day Out Potluck will be held Monday, July 21st at 12:00 noon at Ourt Savior’s. UIF Council meeting is August 12th at 7:00 PM at Our Savior’s.
Heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped make this year’s Bible school a huge success. Whether you provided food, volunteered your time and, most of all, prayed for God’s guidance and…
Hours: Tuesday from 9:00 – 12:00 and Friday from 1:30 – 3:30. All UIF news for the Messenger should be sent to Marilyn Williams at 843-5625 or [email protected].
Prayer Concerns: Scott Kraai, Helen Larson, Paul Wilkens, Lynne Romo, John Forbes, Kathy Reynolds, Carolyn Llarson, Craig Herrig, and Angie Hansen. Pastor will be on vacation from June 19th through…
Prayer requests – call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 for the Prayer Chain. Because of privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member. WELCA women are collectiong…
June Worship is Sunday evening at 7:00 pm and coffee fellowship to follow. June Birthday: 24th – Mike Rebhuhn June Anniversary: 12th – Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring June Ushers,…
June Worship time will be 9:00 am. Church Council will meet Wednesday, June 4th. June Birthdays: 1st – Ron Anderson, 15th – Bob Anderson and Pat Rosene, 19th – Carol…
UIF Seniors Day Out Potluck will be held Monday, June 16th at 12:00 noon at Our Savior’s. UIF Council meeting is Tuesay, June 17 at 7:00 pm at St. John.…
Day Camp is for youth who will have completed Kindergarten through sixth grade in 2013-2014. Day Camp runs Monday-Thrusday June 9-12 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at Evangelical Covenant…
Come Join the fun Saturday, June 21, 2014 in Albert City! Events include: a 5K run/walk; pedal pull; pingpong drop; inflatables’ delicious BBQ for lunch. The parade states at 10:00…
Saturday, May 31st at Noon, featuring Margo Sievers. Make Plans to attend Our Savior’s Women of the ELCA’s “Come See My Table Salad Luncheon” At This year’s event, we will…
1st – Vivian Wilbur, 2nd – Dakota Holt and Mark Herrig, 4th – Bob Skog, 5th – Morgan Heuton, 6th – Brad Heuton and Keith Struss, 7th – Jay Erlandson,…
Council meeting will be Wednesday, May 21st at 7:00 pm The service workshop group will be meeting Wednesday, May 14th at 1:00 pm. All are welcome. We will be tying…
May Ushers, Lectors and Communion Servers: Alter Guild – Roger & Rae Jean Nuehring Greeters – Marvin & Marda Melohn Lector – Lori Darrow 4th and Ruth Rebhuhn 25th. May…
Worship time will be on Sunday at 9:00 am Church Counil will meet Wednesday May 7th at 7:00. There will be a community bridal shower at Grace on Saturday, May…
Potluck will be held Monday, May 19th at 12:00 noon at Our Savior’s.
We wish to congratulate the following young People on this importanat achievement. High school graduates are asked to wear their gowns and sit with their families in a special section…
a shower will be held for Katie Vander Linden, bride-elect of Rob Struss, on Saturday, April 26 at 2 pm. in Our Savior’s fellowship hall. All are welcome.
April Worship schedule for St. John is Sunday @ 9:00 am and coffee fellowship. Ushers, Lectors, Communion Servers: Greeters – Scott and Lori Darrow Altar Guild – Mike and Deb…
Come See My China Luncheon will be Saturday, May 31 with speaker, Margo Sievers of Rembrandt. Cost is $5.00 per person. Plese sign up and pay in the church office…
Please call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 for the Prayer Chain. Because of privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member. Our Savior’s council meeting will be…
Happy April Birthdays: 7th – Jordan Gunnarson 15th – Marjorie Anderson Anniversaries: 22nd – Art and Violet Lovig Ushers – Greeters for April will be: Brian Fredricks and Dave Anderson…
Senior potluck will be held Monday, April 21st at 12:00 noon at Our Savior’s
All UIF Messenger news should be sent to: Marilyn Williams at 843-5625 or [email protected]
The Iowa State Fair is proud to give your church group the best possible seats for the award-winning artist Newsboys. We are offering you the opportuntiy to purchase tickets before…
There is a special Lenten offering coin folder included with this months Messenger newsletter. It will be collected on Palm Sunday, April 13th.
To the congregation and prayer circle of our church united. Our belated heartfelt thanks to all of you who have prayed and continue to pray for God’s healing power in…
During the months of March and April, we will collect AID/Hospice Kits. The AIDS HIV epidemic has added enormous challenges to health care worldwide. A list of items needed will…
The community World Day of Prayer service will be at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church on Friday, March 7th at 2:00 pm – everyone is invited to attend. World Day of…
Sunday, March 2nd 11am to 1 pm. at the Albert City School Gym, 301 Orchard Street, Albert City. Auction of donated items will begin at 12 noon. You can drop…
Charles received an injury in a work related accident. he is recuperating in the Sioux Falls hospital. Cards can be sent to him at: Avera McKenna Hospital, 1315 South Cliff…
Don’t forget to fill the Helping Hands container to the brim with grocery items! It’s been pretty empty lately.
We have a five year planning calendar at Our Savior’s for all the congregations to use to plan weddings, showers, reunions, etc. This will be helpful for pastor when you…
Scott Kraai (son of Luella and Dayton), Helen Larson, Paul Wilkens (son of Walter and Lucille), Al and Lynn Romo, John Forbes, Carolyn Larson, Lorraine Swenson, Craig Herrig, Mike Kolander…
February Ushers, Lectors, Communion servers: Greeters – Rob and Ruth Rebhuhn, Altar Guild – Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring, Lectors – Ruth Rebhuhn – 2nd, Lori Darrow – 9th, Scott Darrow…
Prayer Requests: Please call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 for the Prayer Chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member. Service Workshop: The…
February Worship: Saturday worship time will be 5:00 PM. Church Council: Council will meet Wednesday, February 19th at 7:00 pm. February Birthdays: Ray Anderson-3rd, Kelsey Fredricks-12th, Bill Haberman-19th, Violet Lovig-20th,…
Will begin Sunday, February 9th, 5:30 – 8:00 and continue for 10 Sundays at Our Savior’s. There will be a potluck dinner. There is no cost and child care will…
Worship Services Change. Just a reminder that if you put your donations in an envelope marked with your home church’s name on it, the donation will get to your church…
Sunday, February 2, 2014 following the worship service at 10:30. LYO will be serving dinner in the fellowship hall following the meeting.
January Worhip The Saturday worship time will be 5:00 pm. Church Council will meet Wednesday, January 15th at 7:00 pm January Birthdays Mark Anderson 1st, Lisa Anderson 30th Ushers and Greeters…
The Service workshop group will be meeting Wednesday, January 8th at 1:00pm. All are welcom. We will be tying quilts, cutting pieces for quilts and many other jobs. Come join…
Please call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 for the Prayer Chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member.
Scott Kraai (son of Luella and Dayton), Helen Larson, Paul Wilkens (son of Lucille and Walt), Al and Lynn Romo, John Forbes, Carolyn Larson, Lorraine Swenson and Craig Herrig.
Thank you to all who helped shop for our adopted families and those who wrapped the gifts. We had 4 families we bought gifts for. Thank you also to those…
The Bible study group will meet at 1:30 pm on Friday, January 24th and Friday, January 31st at the Albert City library.
Office hours for Pastor Mayer will e determined at a later date. His day off will be Friday. You can reach him on his cell phone number – 231-920-4498
Marilyn’s office hours are: Tuesday from 9:00 – 12:00 and Friday from 1:30 – 4:00
The summer barbeques with the Covenant Church will be held at Our Savior’s on Thursday, June 13, Wednesday, July 10, and Wednesday, August 7, 2013. The Covenant Church will host…
There are new wall file pockets across from the secretary’s office next to the coat rack. There is a pocket for the secretary and for the WELCA ladies There are…