St. John News
February Ushers, Lectors, Communion servers: Greeters – Rob and Ruth Rebhuhn, Altar Guild – Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring, Lectors – Ruth Rebhuhn – 2nd, Lori Darrow – 9th, Scott Darrow…
Our Savior’s Evangelical Lutheran Church of Albert City Newsletters
February Ushers, Lectors, Communion servers: Greeters – Rob and Ruth Rebhuhn, Altar Guild – Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring, Lectors – Ruth Rebhuhn – 2nd, Lori Darrow – 9th, Scott Darrow…
Prayer Requests: Please call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 for the Prayer Chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member. Service Workshop: The…
February Worship: Saturday worship time will be 5:00 PM. Church Council: Council will meet Wednesday, February 19th at 7:00 pm. February Birthdays: Ray Anderson-3rd, Kelsey Fredricks-12th, Bill Haberman-19th, Violet Lovig-20th,…
Will begin Sunday, February 9th, 5:30 – 8:00 and continue for 10 Sundays at Our Savior’s. There will be a potluck dinner. There is no cost and child care will…
Worship Services Change. Just a reminder that if you put your donations in an envelope marked with your home church’s name on it, the donation will get to your church…