February Ushers, Lectors, Communion servers: Greeters – Rob and Ruth Rebhuhn, Altar Guild – Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring, Lectors – Ruth Rebhuhn – 2nd, Lori Darrow – 9th, Scott Darrow – 16th, Mike Rebhuhn – 23rd.
Thank you: to all who help shop for our adopted famileis and those who wrapped the gifts. We had 4 families we bought gifts for with a total of 13 individuals.
Family #6 wrote: Many thanks for the gifts.
Family #176 wrote: Thank you fo rthe gifts your family gave to mine. signed “a Family Blessed”.
Family #89 wrote in a Valetine’s card: I want to thank you for giving smiles to my kids and myself. Thank you so much. God Bless you so much more. I know it is a bit too soon for Valentine’s Day, but have days of love, peace and family time with your loved ones. I’ll keep you in my prayers. God Bless you. Thank you so much.
Family #182 wrote: Wow – where do I start to thank you!! I would like you to know that thanks to you my kids woke up to may presents under out tree. They were so happy with all of their gifts. They were happier that Mom and Dad also got gifts from Santa. I hope that you know that you made a BIG difference in our lives! Both my husband and I work, but sometimes it is hard to have that extra money for gifts. We always say when stuff is on sale we will start buying some gifts, but then, well, you know, the car breaks down or something else comes up. My son was so happy with his new jeans because he only had 2 that fit him. He’s growing up He was so happy with everything. My oldest was so happy with her new shoes. She really likes them. She told me they’re in style right now! She started to draw and write quotes with what you gave her, too. My younger daughters LOVED their new clothes. They wore them that day. And Mom and Dad thank you for our gifts, especially the gift card that helped us so much. But your biggest gift to us was making our kids happy. THANK YOU!! I hope some day we would be able to do the same thing for someone on Christmas. Thank you even though I don’t know you or if it is more than one person, all of you made our Christmas a perfect one with all out gifts. Thank you again! P.S. My daughter finished reading her books. She loved them!