Prayer Requests: Please call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 for the Prayer Chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member.
Service Workshop: The service workshop group will be meeting Wednesday, February 12th at 1:00pm. All are welcome. We will be tying quilts, cutting pieces for quilts and many other jobs. Come join us! For more information, call Anna Marie Olson at 712-843-5734.
February Lectors, Greeters and Ushers: Ushers- Rhonda Hyde, Carol Heuton, Randy Heuton and Brad Hyde. Lectors- Karen Hyde- 2nd, Diann Peterson – 9th, Randy Bobolz – 16th, Sam Aronson – 23rd. Greeters- Melvin and Mavis Aronson – 2nd, Roger and Ethel Bjork – 9th, Mavis Foster and Arlene Wessman – 16th, Donna Lindgren and Jan Nehring – 23rd.
Appreciation Coffee: We will be having a coffee for Lorraine Swenson on Sunday, February 9th beginning at 9:30 am. to honor her 26 years of dedicated service on the funeral committee. We greatly appreciate he dedication.
Save! Remember to save pop tabs, Campbell sop labels and box tops for education. There is a container for each on the table outside the secretary’s office.
Thank you! to everyone who contributed monetary gifts or memorial gifts to Our Savior’s Lutheran endowment Fund during the 2013 year. Contributions will be received anytime throughout the year to perpetuate the longevity of Our Savior’s.
February Anniversary Wishes! Terry and Cindy Herrig- 4th, Lloyd and Gay Jafvert – 14th, Don and Darlene Peterson – 27th.
February Birthdays: Kali Erlandson, Kelly Habben and Phillip Chada – 2nd, Jennifer Hansen and Joni Aronson – 3rd, Bailey Heuton and Tavis Struss -4th, Jean Juli us – 5th, Norma Erickson – 6th, Walt Wilkens – 7th, Dan Josephson – 8th, Heather Schoepke and Ryleigh Heinshon – 13th, Darlene Balder – 15th, Brad Aronson and Nola Jensen – 16th, Arlin Lundberg – 20th, Kelley Archer and Virgil Habben – 21st, Cody Archer and Parker Habben – 24th, Levis Fales – 25th, andy Johnson and Kole Erickson – 28th.
Bridal Shower: a shower will be held for Katie Van der Linden, bride-elect of Rob Struss, on Saturday, April 26 at 2 pm in Our Savior’s fellowship hall. All are welcome.
Lutheran World Relief: the Mission/Action committee will be collecting bars of soap during the month of February. There will be a basket for the collection on the table in the narthex.