Worship Services Change.  Just a reminder that if you put your donations in an envelope marked with your home church’s name on it, the donation will get to your church no matter which church you worship at.  We encourage members of the three congregations to worship at any of the three churches at the time of service that works best in your schedule.

UIF Seniors Day out Potluck.  Will be held Monday, February 17th at 12:00 noon at Our Savior’s.

UIF Meeting will be held Thursday, February 13th at Our Savior’s.

Thank you.  The Midwest Christian Services of Peterson would like to thank you for your 2013 donation of $300.00 to our facility.  Your gifts to the work being done here have been accepted very graciously and are greatly appreciated!

Winds of Hope Conference:  Sunday, February 9, 2014, beginning at 2:30 PM at Grace Lutheran Church in Primghar.  The snow date is February 16th.  To register please call Denise Kramer Tolzman at 712-346-8863.

UIF Charitable Giving: UIF contributed to the following:  Helping Hands in Albert City-$300, Cherish Center in Milford-$300, Faith, Hope and Charity, Storm Lake-$300, Genesis Development, Storm Lake-$300, Upper Des Moines, Storm Lake-$300 and Midwest Christian Services, Peterson-$300.  The UIF board would like to thank everyone for their offerings given on 5th Sunday, Lenten services, etc.