March Greeters are Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring.

Altar Guild: Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring.

Lector: Rae Jean Nuehring

Gather Bible Group on March 10, at 1:30 at the Pleasant View Home.

Love Boxes will be packed for our 2 college students: Ruth Mayer and Addy Boettcher.  A Thrivent Action Team will help in our generosity to others by sponsoring a coffee on March 13 after worship.  Then we will pack the Love Boxes.  Please bring items for Packing on March 13.  The Thrivent $250.00 Impact card will be used for the coffee and then to pay for shipping of these boxes.  The remainder of the card will be used to purchase groceries for the Helping Hands food pantry.  A Thrivent Action Team will sponsor the Easter Breakfast on March 27 at St John.  The main staples for the breakfast will be in the St. John kitchen for rolls, egg casseroles, fruit and beverages.  Please pick those items up by March 20 and use to make your food items for the breakfast.  A Thrivent $250.00 Impact card will be used for purchase of the staples.  Anny remaining funds on the card will be used to  purchase groceries for the Helping Hands food pantry.  BE SURE TO JOIN US FOR BREAKFAST FROM 8-8:45 am BEFORE OUR EASTER WORSHIP SERVICE. A free will offering will be collected at the breakfast as a fund raiser for our adopt-a-family project at Christmas.  Come join us for breakfast and to celebrate our risen Savior, Jesus Christ for Easter together.  Guests are welcome.