Please call Arlene Wessman at 843-5607 for the Prayer chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member.
Our Savior’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for February 7th following the worship service. A dinner will be held after the meeting.
February Deacons are Adam Skog, Kyle Swenson and ushers are Dave Aronson and Brian Johnson. Lectors and greeters for February are: 7th – Kevin Schoepke – Kevin and Sue Schoepke, 14th – Rachael James -Dan and Kathy Josephson, 21st – Bob Hansen – Bob and Connie Hanson, 28th – Sam Aronson – Todd and Marcia Kay.
Please consider taking a turn providing coffee before and after worship fellowship. If you have questions, call Colleen at 843-5585 or Gay at 843-2034.
Thank you all for the prayers and cards sent my way while I was in the hospital and at Pleasant View. It was so nice to be remembered by so many, Mavis Foster.
Good Samaritan Committee exists to take hot meals to those who are ill or returning from a hospital stay, home with a new baby or other needs. Committee memebers team up to take a meal once or twice a year. If you would like to be part of this rewarding ministry, please sign up on the bulletin board. If you know of someone who would benefit from having a meal brought in, call Trish Moe or Sherryl Madsen.
WELCA will be collecting bar soap again in February for Lutheran World Relief. The display will be in the narthex so that people can make donations whenever it is convenient for them. These gifts of your heart are beautifl expressions of God’s grace and love to people aroung the world.
Archives: We are missing several funeral/obituary folders from the deceased memebers of our church for the Archives Room. A list of the folders we do have is on the bulletin board. Pleae check the list and if you can provide missing funeral folders or copies, please give them to Sherryl Madson or Diann Peterson, or place them on the table in the upstairs Archive Room. Thanks.
Norman W. Swanson died Tuesday, January 26 at his home in Florida. He was 88 years old. A memeorial service will be held for him in the spring and he will be buried in Fairfield Cemetery here in Albert City.