Please call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 with your prayer requests for the Prayer chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member.
Service workshop will be on Wednesday, October 8th at 1:00pm. We have fabric to mark and cut and quilts to tie. There are also some bandages to roll. And besides that, if you can sew a straight seam, we have a job for you. Come and join us on the 8th.
Remember to save pop tabs, Campbell soup labels and box tops for education. There is a container for each on the table outside the secretary’s office.
October Lectors, Greeters and Ushers:
Ushers Rhonda Hyde and Colleen Struss
Lectors: 5th – Carol Janes 12th – Sam Aronson 19th – Brad Hyde 26th – Carol Heuton
Greeters: 5th – Terry and Cindy Herrig 12th – Dave and Shar Aronson 19th – Melvin and Mavis Aronson 26th – Jan Nehring and Donna Lindgren
The HOPE banners in the sanctuary are given in memory of Anita Ackerman from Nick Ackerman and family.