Prayer requests – call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 for the Prayer Chain. Because of privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member.
WELCA women are collectiong art and recreation supplies for Faith, Hope and Charity. All are welcome to donate markers, paper, crayons, balls for outdoors, helmets, large-scale puzzles and games. Please place donations in the box in Our Savior’s lobby before June 20th.
Council meeting will be Wednesday, June 18th at 7:00pm.
Service Workshop group will be meeting Wednesday, June 11th at 1:00pm. All are welcome. We will be tying quilts, cutting pieces for quilts and many other jobs. Come join us! From more information, call Anna Marie Olson at 712-843-5734.
Summer BBQ. Covenant Church will kick off our summer BBQ on Thursday, June 12th in conjunction with the Bible School Program. Covenant will also host on Wednesday, July 9th and August 13th. Our Savior’s will host on Wednesday, June 25th, July 23rd and August 27th. meat and buns will be provided.
June Ushers: Nick Ackerman, James Peterson, Lloyd Jafvert, Merle Hogrefe.
June Lectors: 1st – Carol Janes, 8th – Diann Peterson, 15th – Norm Kinkade, 22nd – Sam Aronson.
June Greeters: 1st – Virg and Joann Habben, 8th – Diann and James Petterson, 15th – Mark and Terri Herrig, 22nd – Gary and Traci Heuton, 29th – 5th Sunday at Grace.
Bible Groups: Abigail will meet Thursday, June 19th at 9:00 am. Hostess – Norma Erickson, Bible study – Lucille Skog. Joanna will meet on Wednesday, June 18th at 9:00am. Hostess – Twila Lange and Bible study – Group. Mary group will meet Wednesday, June 18th at 2:00pm. Hostess – Potluck and Bible study – Arlene Wessman. Ruth group will have no June meeting.
June Birthdays: 3rd – Anna Marie Olson, 6th – Bev McGriff and Stephanie Fales, 8th – Deanna Johnson and Lucas Clausen, 9th – Darryl Benna, Jan Bobolz and Tom Roberts, 10th – Jan Peterson, 11th – Luke Peterson, 16th – Mike Kolander, 19th – Jake Heuton and Justin Schoepke, 26th – Jean Anderson and Tom Aronson, 29th – Marshall Peterson.
June Anniversaries: 6th – Morris and Carolyn larson, 10th – Melvin and Mavis Aronson, 11th – Royce and Cyndi Holt, 13th – Todd and Lori Romo, 14th – Randy and Jan Bobolz, 16th – Dick and Nola Jensen, 20th – James and Elinor Roberts, 23rd- Mark and Terry Herrig, 25th – Pastor and Nancy Mayer and Bob and Connie Hansen, 27th – Paul and donna Lindgren, 30th – Mike and Jan Kolander.
Thank you – The Graduation Ceremony and Reception at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church on May 11th was outstanding. Thankyou to the Board memebers for honoring our graduates, for Rev. Queen’s message, and for those of you who served the wonderful rfreshments after the service. We really appreciate the kindness shown to Evan and Julon. Craig and Rosalinda Nehring & Dave and Paula Balder.
Thank you to Glen and Kyle Swenson for planting the corn on Our Savior’s land this spring. Special thanks to Kyle and Pfister Hybreds for donating all of the seed and to others who donated money toward crop expenses.