Thank Offering for Thanksgiving
There will be a special envelope included with this Messenger. These offering envelopes may be placed in the offering plates on the Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, November 23.
There will be a special envelope included with this Messenger. These offering envelopes may be placed in the offering plates on the Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, November 23.
Exists to take hot meals to those who are ill or returning from a hospital stay, home with a new baby or other needs. Committee members team up to take…
There are currently about five “Ride Assistance Volunteers”. If you would like to help with giving rides and have not already let the church know, we will add your name…
Thanks to all who generously served coffee and snacks before and after 10:30 Sunday services. Our NEW sign-up sheet is up on the bulletin board. Any questions, call Colleen at…
All members and their families are invited to a catered meal on October 16th at St. John Lutheran Church, Storm Lake (402 Lake Avenue) at 12:30 pm. The meal is…