Prayer Concerns
Carolyn Larson, Doris Fondroy and Dayton Kraai
Greeters: Dayton and Luella Kraai Altar Guild: Ruth Rebhuhn and Mike Rebhuhn Lectors: 5th-Lori Darrow, 12th – Deb Rebhuhn, 19th- Scott Darrow, 26th – Mike Rebhuhn
Kyle and Glen Swenson for working the church ground and planting corn. Also, thank you to Scott Herrig for spraying the dandelions at the church.
Deacons: Dan Josephson and Brian Josephson Ushers: Arnie Dahlstrom and Jerry Nixon Lectors: 5th-Carol Janes, 12th – Carol Janes, 19th- Community service in park, 26th – Sam Aronson Greeters: 5th-Virg and…