Helping Hands
Don’t forget to fill the Helping Hands container to the brim with grocery items! It’s been pretty empty lately.
Don’t forget to fill the Helping Hands container to the brim with grocery items! It’s been pretty empty lately.
We have a five year planning calendar at Our Savior’s for all the congregations to use to plan weddings, showers, reunions, etc. This will be helpful for pastor when you…
Scott Kraai (son of Luella and Dayton), Helen Larson, Paul Wilkens (son of Walter and Lucille), Al and Lynn Romo, John Forbes, Carolyn Larson, Lorraine Swenson, Craig Herrig, Mike Kolander…
February Ushers, Lectors, Communion servers: Greeters – Rob and Ruth Rebhuhn, Altar Guild – Roger and Rae Jean Nuehring, Lectors – Ruth Rebhuhn – 2nd, Lori Darrow – 9th, Scott Darrow…
Prayer Requests: Please call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 for the Prayer Chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member. Service Workshop: The…