Grace News
January Worhip The Saturday worship time will be 5:00 pm. Church Council will meet Wednesday, January 15th at 7:00 pm January Birthdays Mark Anderson 1st, Lisa Anderson 30th Ushers and Greeters…
January Worhip The Saturday worship time will be 5:00 pm. Church Council will meet Wednesday, January 15th at 7:00 pm January Birthdays Mark Anderson 1st, Lisa Anderson 30th Ushers and Greeters…
The Service workshop group will be meeting Wednesday, January 8th at 1:00pm. All are welcom. We will be tying quilts, cutting pieces for quilts and many other jobs. Come join…
Remember to save pop tabs, Campbell soup labels and box tops for education. There is a container for each on the table outside the secretary’s office.
Please call Ethel Bjork at 843-5348 for the Prayer Chain. Because of the privacy laws, prayer requests need to be made by a family member.
Scott Kraai (son of Luella and Dayton), Helen Larson, Paul Wilkens (son of Lucille and Walt), Al and Lynn Romo, John Forbes, Carolyn Larson, Lorraine Swenson and Craig Herrig.